Woman Loses 83 Pounds Thanks To Her Health Coach

Holly VonDemfange realized that she needed to make a change when she was on vacation last year. She was the heaviest she had ever been. She could not even enjoy the time with her family because she was so self-conscious about her weight. She was vacationing in Palm Springs and was so self-conscious that she did not want to go out.

She turned to the internet for help. She began looking for a holistic health coach and found Jennifer Jofe. Jennifer is the founder of Project Healthy Body. She knows what it is like to struggle with excess weight. She used to be a compulsive eater who had body image issues.

Holly did extensive research on Jennifer before hiring her. At the time, Holly weighed 325 pounds. She sent an email to Jennifer and hoped that she would finally be able to get help. Holly’s weight problems were due to her compulsive eating. Her father died when she was 7-years-old, and she used to comfort her. She started dieting when she was 12, but that lead to a dangerous pattern of deprivation and overeating.

Six years ago, Jennifer was putting her daughter down, who was two-years-old at the time. She started feeling dizzy and light-headed. She realized that her life was in danger, and she needed to lose weight.

Jennifer weighed 250 pounds at the time. She started eating healthier and managed to lose 66 pounds. She got down to 180 pounds, but she was not able to maintain this weight. A family emergency caused her to gain weight again, but she was able to refocus. Jennifer now weighs 156 pounds.

Jennifer has helped Holly reach her weight loss goals. Holly now weighs 242 pounds. She eats right and takes 10,000 steps per day. She still has a long way to go, but she is happy with the progress she has made so far.

There are steps that Jennifer recommends that people take in order to lose weight. She recommends eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, staying hydrated and staying active.